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Trade With Caution
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About sacopeludo

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  1. there the photo i xfered to him today he being very mean , saying i scammed to make me banned , after give he back , and he promessed me 10m for it. he wont gave me , and i gave him the acc with the recoveryes .... and he coward cuz i cant ''protect myself'' from his attempts to make me banned , cuz my poor english, im saying truth
  2. dex i need help , i alredy gave thsi guy the acc back today , and he telling i didnt gave and scammed him ... he are coward cuz my bad english , and trying make i look like scammer to i get banned , for no reason .. and he promess me 10m , after i gave acc with recs , i gave , he didnt gave me , and told was gonna ban me there , even after i gave him acc back
  3. i trying do my best to solve everything be patience please. i wish solve it the best way, no answer from him atm
  4. i trying contact ryan (stoopkid) to solve everything , i dont rly wish problems or the acc , let he get on to we solve it.
  5. 1. 2. 3. dragon defender, fire cape 4. acc have 100 qp, but all skill levels for do recipe for disaster 5. Start bid: 30m 6. A/W 50m 7. Taking 07 cash only 8. trading using OSBOT MM 9. acc have no bans 10. IM second owner , broght from a guy quitted , in being of 2014 , i wanna back to rs now, then selling to back on my pure, pm me SKYPE for details - Sacopeludo2
  6. so u guys think its risk ? is possobly get perm banned , even not having any ban b4 , for auto click alch just?
  7. i got no bans on my acc atm sholda i risk , do auto click on pc bank?
  8. bot client = suicide of account . , thx after i ll try pest control bank then or nmz , just wanna know if if get ban i get 2 days or perm now ;p
  9. thx for tip , but i have scared , ialredy got a 2 ban ban for auto click in pest control bank lol
  10. thx , anyone did auto click this month? nmz or house which one u guys think is better?
  11. plz its insta ban? or 2 day ban ?wats the ban rate? and where to do it? house , or nmz?
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