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About schoolu01

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  1. For me personally ive been using the agility script, which is flawless, same as you, not using mirror mode, but i jump from skill to skill thru out the day never staying at like boring agility for more then 3 or 4 hrs because the fact most humans wouldnt stay there for long. the key to not getting ban in any botting, is acting as human as possible sometimes ill even talk to people when the bot is running to make it seem more human. Also i always have the great Antibanned, she always puts in her scripts. i think that can help as well when running bots then it will stop for a little bit or go afk looking more human unlike a robot which can run no stop doing the same thing never stopping even if its perfect it still would look like a robot with the fact it never breaks or goes AFk. thats just what i think good luck coming back it wouldnt be hard tho getting back to 80 if your smart could take you under a month.
  2. this seems about right i just got banned this morning on and acc i was running on a proxy server was a goldfarming account/ pure i was making.. but i botted all different types of skill i think the reason i got ban was i botted on a f2p world then change to p2p but it was to late but i got a perm ban no warning no appeal just done...
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