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  1. i only have 60m osrs so yea cant do it
  2. i would if i had the money for it, but thanks anyway i'd love to take it, it's just i dont have the money right now
  3. why do i have to be trusted to buy something, that doesnt even make any sence?
  4. looking for more of a beginner zerker with 94 magic
  5. looking for a zerker with alteast 94 magic for around 50USD or 40m OSRS Cheers
  6. great thanks i think it worked out
  7. yeah i did i just cant figure out wich one is the proxy host
  8. allright that seems to work, just 1 question does the proxy host matter or just leave it blank?
  9. i can but there is no where to click apply
  10. So whenever i want to fill in the proxy information i cant becuase i see this: http://prnt.sc/b7ejql How can i fix this? thanks
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