I have been botting on OSBot since around 2015 off and on but probably started in around 2011/2012 with another Bot. I rekindled with Runescape a few months back and stop in so I know the knowledge and gameplay to give me a glimpse of my childhood back.
A partner and I have ~1k USD to spend, we have the RDP's covered and know what we are doing for proxies there.
My question for you guys does anyone know the best suicide farming method for money making is or for long term money making botting.
We have the potential to run 100-200 accounts if necessary and are looking for insight on running the bot farm.
We want to scale our bot farm to make a decent amount where we are profiting and hopefully able to upscale it as time goes on.
The insight we need is subject but not only to scripts, methods, tactics, etc etc..
If you are also interested in making custom scripts for us, you will be paid of course.. then feel free to send me a PM for my Discord/Telegram.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thread do not hesitate to send me a PM or reply to this thread.