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Everything posted by Tripolar

  1. When was I cocky? I never said YOU said tomorrow? a ton of people have been saying it lmfao.
  2. I've heard "tomorrow" for the last 3 days
  3. I don't think he actually gave out trials yet, only beta testers have used
  4. Tested the 24h Trail and it was amazing, 1-60 in less than 24 hours! Thanks
  5. I mean its up on PA and i have 100% Feedback
  6. I mean I was asking for a general feedback on how much the account is worth, I'm 100% trusted on PA but im looking to get RSGP. Sucks I'm not trusted enough on here to sell or I gladly would :P
  7. Quested attack, just needs 3 more levels for g maul. https://gyazo.com/4d7848ee10ca0eabbd5c5cc694644428
  8. Request Template: - Script name AIO Runecrafter - trial length 24h - Reason for trial I'd like to test before purchasing it! - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Ofcourse
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