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Posts posted by wouldcutar

  1. I botted back in 2008 and I still have a flagged IP is there a way to unflag my IP without a VPN?


    How do you know it is still flagged?

    and why don't you just change IP?

  2. Ditto i got 3 accounts Banned today,  Was you using mirror mode?


    Because with mine i never used mirror mode so maybe thats why i was getting banns every other day .

    Mirror mode all the way. :)

  3. RIP. Finally got the ban hammer.


    2/6 banned. The other 4 accounts have been using other scripts I urge you all to just be careful smile.png, Its been a good run, time to start again doge.png  both accounts 75+ smithing with coal bags

    Edit: It only took about 6days total ingame time to catch me.... lol

    • Like 1
  4. When my account goes on a break after a few hours of botting, it will auto log back in but then when the ''Play Now'' screen comes up the Script will just stop.. 

    Anyone else having this issue?



    EDIT: Also what has happened with the Sigs?

    @Khal: Havn't noticed the "play now" screen bugging out although that is possibly why I keep finding the account at the top of the ramp? 

    Maybe it finished a break, then got stuck on the "play now" screen and went inactive for 10mintes.

    This would explain it. 

    Yeah, RiP signatures. I am sure Khal will fix them :D

    • Like 1
  5. https://youtu.be/aWPWHU8x6kE?t=120


    sad.png  Two accounts lost today, level 3 skiller with 90 fletching + 80 smithing as well as void ranger in the making. Time to start anew.

    Sorry man, what were you botting at the time?


    sorry man sad.png


    My 99 Strength account got banned 4 days ago so selling it now to start over sad.png

    How are you going to sell a banned account?


    you  should try playing legit its not that bad. smile.png  



    Jagex = winning

    Noone has time to play legit doge.png

    • Like 1
  6. It is not quite possible to click so accurate on the minimap ... :s

    The client tries to click on the ramp every time, but since it's not that accurate it walk in front or behind quite some times.


    It's even harder for the client to click on the right position while your moving ... :s


    I see, maybe I just need to extend it to 15 minutes or 20 minutes... 

    I think the script is pretty stable at the moment and I don't see a quick issue with gettng stuck though.


    So Would 20 min be better?



    I would assume maybe try and increase the amount :)

    Although when I log back on and it is at the top of the ramp with an invent of coal. I assume maybe there was a small error where it just froze and is waiting for the next task. So maybe increasing the time might not change it although its worth a shot.

    Will the forced tasks be out within the next few days?

  7. I find that the script logs out after obtaining no xp for 10minutes quite constant.

    Could I request it forces a break at that point instead, That way it will log back in after a random amount of time and potentially restart the process and get unstuck.

    Although you would need to make sure to check if it still has not received xp then it will stop completely insuring it doesnt keep logging on every 30minutes to go afk because in that case it will be stuck.

    I just find that when I log the accounts back on, they are standing at the conveyor belt and it seems it could have been fixed with a simple re-log.

    Very happy with the script. Check signature for up to date prog :)

  8. Not sure if I should be doing Steel or Iron bars biggrin.png


    I suggest steel since it uses half coal.


    If I do gold ore with gloves it's like 80k xp right?

    Also do I need a coal bag or is that optional for goal only tasks?


    Coal bag can hold 27 coal. Its recommended but you can pass steel bars without having the bag. It does make it faster by a bit though.

  9. Hey.


    Right now I'm working on adding something to the bot to make everyone do at least one task. This will boost everyone's bars/h and profits.



    When do you think this will be implemented?

    Also does anyone have any idea if running two bots on BF with two jobs each. (different jobs) is any decent at bars/hr or if i should just stick with 358?

  10. gf my average bars/h  sad.png fucking osbot client.... 



    This happens way too often. I just close the client so it doesnt update the signature. although sometimes it saves hours of inactivity meaning my bars/h and $/hr is stuffed up.

    • Like 1
  11. Have you tried to start the script while already logged in?

    Have you tried to delete your OSBot folder + re-download the jar off of the website?

    What fixes have you tried?


    The scripts start while logged in although I am afraid once a break ends it will get stuck in a loop of clicking.

    I will attempt to re download the jar and OSBot completely tomorrow once I have time.

    I am just heading off to sleep although figured it might be a good idea to mention this in case more people are having the issue :)

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