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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Container

  1. 1 hour ago, Abuse said:
            if (shouldIDrinkPotion()) {
            final WebWalkEvent webWalkEvent = new WebWalkEvent(destination);
            webWalkEvent.setBreakCondition(new Condition() {
                public boolean evaluate() {
                    return shouldIDrinkPotion();


    Thanks for the snippet!

    • Like 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, Pennyroyal said:



    Mate all clowns are nice ...John Gacy may be the exception



    Well mate enjoy yourself and help yourself to the punchbowl of fun found here on OSBOT/ORG

    Never heard of that guy until now. That is f'd up.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Pennyroyal said:

    Welcome aboard cэр!


    What programming knoweldage do you know? Are you currently studying?


    Also do you like clowns?


    I primarily know Java. I also know basic shit in JavaScript, PHP and Swift 3, but not much to actually accomplish anything within those lagnuages - yet!

    I don't have a particuarly liking for clowns, but I don't hate them - as long as they're nice.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Jeune Padawan said:

    Hey. Basically, I wanted to try implementing an "AntiBan" to my script. I saw this https://github.com/Elmling/OSBot-API/blob/master/API/AntiBan.java

    I made a new class, but how do I call this : 



    I want to call this in my main class "SimpleWoodcutter". Also, where should I call it? Like when I'm cutting a tree? I tried a few things like "AntiBan.doRandomAntiBan();" but it didn't work lol


    Is it a good thing to implement this? Thanks :)

    You need to make an instance of that class in the main class.

    You can do this with 

    <ClassName> <variableName> = new <ClassName>()

    Example could be AntiBan antiBan = new AntiBan();

    Then you can do antiBan.doRandomAntiBan(); in the main class. I hope this helped you!

  5. 3 minutes ago, Aiban said:

    Welcome, you kinda look like Miles Teller

    I've heard Joffrey Baratheon before - haven't heard Miles Teller. Thanks, I guess!


    1 minute ago, magpiemad7 said:

    welcome to the community

    Thank you :)

  6. Hello everyone, Container here!

    It's time for my introduction - let's just start with a random photo of me:


    (hate on me; only haters make me stronger :boge:)

    I've actually been "a part" of the site since some time in 2015 but decided to get active now. I'm here because I have ambitions to start making scripts for OSBot - hopefully I'll get to release a few some day. Working on learning the API - I've only been programming Java for about a year, so I'm still new in the field.

    Hopefully we'll chat soon - you can pretty much catch me in the chat if you want to strike up a conversation about Burger King or dishwashers.

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