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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Container

  1. 10 minutes ago, Magerange said:

    Alright, so here is what I've been working on:

    @ScriptManifest(author = "Magerange", name = "JugFiller", info = "Fills jugs with water in east Falador", version = 1.0, logo = "")
    public final class Main extends Script  {
    	private final Area Pump = new Area (2947, 3382, 2948, 3383);
        public final int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
     if (canFill()){
     } else {
     return random(175, 270);
    private boolean canFill() {
    	return getInventory().contains("Jug");
    private boolean pumpUsable(){
    	return Pump.contains(myPlayer());
    Entity wPump = getObjects().closest("Waterpump");
    private void fill() {
    	if (!Pump.contains(myPosition())){
    	} else if (pumpUsable()) {
    		if (wPump != null)
    	} else {
    		new ConditionalSleep(1500) {
    			public boolean condition() {
    				return myPlayer().isAnimating();
    	private void bank() throws InterruptedException {
        	if(!Banks.FALADOR_EAST.contains(myPosition())) {
        	} else if (!getBank().isOpen()) {
        	} else if (!getInventory().isEmptyExcept("Jug")) {
        	} else if (getBank().contains("Jug")) {
        	} else  {


    As Token said; I'd move the initialization of wPump to the fill() method.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Noidlox said:

    Is there any way to make Java pass ints by reference and not value?

    Not just ints, but doubles, floats, short, byte, long, etc.

    ^ All of these pass by value, not reference.

    It's not really do-able in Java.

    EDIT: You could pass an int[].

  3. I've gathered you all here today, because I want to talk about our lord and saviour; the SDN.

    The SDN is in a pretty horrible place at the moment and I've already seen Alek trying to take on some of the challenges (read; outdated scripts, official OSBot script) which is awesome! The SDN is still flawed though, and here I am directly referincing to the SDN Requests.

    I know people who have waited weeks upon weeks getting their SDN requests even looked at and I've got to say; it's honestly really demotivating to have to wait so long to get a script on the SDN - and it's demotivating for all ranks of scripters aswell as new upcoming ones.

    I will here propose an idea to the SDN management. This is to be discussed, hated or graced upon.

    Proposed idea (and food for thought) |

    There will need to be hired new SDN Managers that can manage the SDN requests and update the SDN.

    Scripter rank 2 or higher can apply.

    A hired SDN manager will only be able to manage and review scripts for scripters that have the same rank or below. (Ex. Scriper Rank 2 can manage scripts from other Scripter 2's, Scripter 1's and upcoming scripters).


    • SDN requests will be handled a lot faster
    • It will be more motivating to request SDN uploads


    • The quality of scripts may decrease if not reviewed by top-tier scripters/developers.
    • Inconsistency in scripts if reviewed by more people

    I would like to know, what people think of the situation and the proposed idea. This post was mainly written because I see a problem that should be discussed; not so much because I think my idea is the solution. Other solutions and proposals are welcome. Discuss.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, dmmslaver said:

    Bans are always delayed to prevent knowing the cause of bans. Besides, my private scripts use touch screen emulation, so no it would not affect all scripts. 

    Bans are not always delayed.

    Scripts that uses webWalk() or whatever you're talking about in your first post.*

  5. 4 minutes ago, dmmslaver said:

    If they do track mouse movements, and you have a line all the way across the screen with a consistent slope, I wouldn't doubt if it was detected immediately after the first mouse movement ingame. 

    Then every script, private or not, would get you banned after 30 seconds of use.

  6. Just now, dmmslaver said:

    This is something scripters should be looking to prevent, in all of their scripts. If you don't handle the mouse entering the screen in any defined way and just call something like walking.webWalk (which is what the image is) then your mouse will always enter the screen at (0, 0). Personally, this seems like it would HIGHLY detectable, because I doubt a player would ever enter the mouse at exactly 0, 0.. much less every single time before playing hardcore for hours. The perfectly straight slope of the mouse movements is also concerning to me, but that's a topic for another time. 

    How do you guys handle mouse entering the game screen?


    How do you know Jagex tracks the mouse?

  7. 1 minute ago, yeahtheboyz said:

    this FKN DOUCH was power leveling my main which had literally everything on it 200-250m worth of items and cash. he trained the account and right before giving it back has fkn cleaned everything and deleted me off skype. GG to the fkn feedback this community has given him. im now out 200m

    It sucks. It's a risk you take every time, though.

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