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Everything posted by Nathan29526

  1. 07 Stats: attk: 1 Str: 71 Hp:60 Range:42 pray:13 Magic:1 Dmm Stats: Attack: 1 Defense: 40 Strength: 1 hitpoints:53 Range:87 Prayer: 40 Magic 82 Crafting:72 Agility:73 Construction: 75
  2. Lol ik they didn't hack my account they make enuf money for themselves I just wondered wtf it could of been.. I buy gold every once inawhile from rs4golds. Hope it not possible to have key logger but last purchase I made from them has been month or so, so why would they do it now idk sorry for wasting people time I was just curious if any1 besides me has had this happen.
  3. Czar Ranging guild. Just don't make sense I'm actually very lucky. They could of ruined my pure acc by training def And Khal pest control ^__^
  4. So last night I was up kind of late and decided to bot range a bit. Well the next morning I closed my bot and achieved the range level I was going for. A few hours went passed and I decided I was going to play for a bit. I noticed that my character had been moved to edgeville and was no longer holding the d bow I was using to train range with. I immediately went to the bank and noticed that my 5m, dark bow, etc was gone. And here's the thing I only type my password and username on osbot and osbuddy that's it! Never ever have I used or told any1. Has this ever happened to any1?
  5. Ok I was givin a ban recently for botting at pest control. I got 2 day ban. It has been 4 days since I haven't botted and I decided fk it ima take the risk and go all in. Where should I start? Shuld I change ip? Break time ? I want to make it to 99 str. I'm at currently 88. Botting at pc. Repairing barricades.
  6. Thanks for the replys guess ima do what yall said and legit play damnit this sucks
  7. Hello, I was recently banned on my account by a mod in game! I have been using standard client with Khals Pest control Bot. Now if someone could please answer my question it would be helpful. I have recently been training strength constantly at pest control mostly during the night. I have went from 70 - 88 never once been caught until the other day. It says I wasnt banned in game by a mod (which I assume he walked up in pest control and seen me). I also noticed it was around the time Mod Weath returned from his vacation or w.e So my question is. Am I flagged now? Should I bot when jagex staff is not in office (if so whats there hours or they 24/7). Should I change my ip? And last question if I log on to w 344 and do pc are they going to see that im attempting to do it again?
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