Howdy all! So, seeing as how much everyone loves these sort of story telling/progress report type threads, I figured I'd make one of my own! I have a friend who's doing one too, and people seem to enjoy his, so I'm hoping for the same results ^.^ Account Info:
This was my VERY FIRST Runescape account I created back in super early 2000's, I think it was in 2003. I ended up quitting for a long time, and gave my account to a friend. Years later, I came back to find out the account was banned, but I can't remember what for. I ended up playing multiple accounts after, and I think in roughly 2006 I decided to request this account be unbanned by Jagex. To my surprise, they did give it back, but I haven't touched it much since. This account has never seen action beyond RSC, so this is a fresh adventure into 07scape! Short Term Goals:
Naturally, my short term goals will be to get my woodcutting, fishing, fletching, mining, runecrafting and smithing levels to where they will be profitable. I'll probably focus on mining and woodcutting first, as they're my favorite skills (even though I personally won't be doing anything :p) Scripts I'll be using:
To start off, I'll only be using free scripts. I'll purchase more as I see fit, but if anyone cares to donate anything, or even just send trials to use, it would be greatly appreciated ^.^
I've just finished up tutorial island, and I'll be heading to bed shortly, so I'm going to park my account outside of the eastern Varrock mine to powermine, and I'll post a report in the morning when I wake up!