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Posts posted by Woody

  1. Hey Fruity!

    I like your script. However, does it have to have a fixed position while dreaming?

    I've noticed that when I choose to fight Arrg, he will use ranged attack which causes the player to run up to him because of the auto-retaliate. After a few attacks the script runs back to the fixed position, and the cycle repeats. This is very bot-like behaviour and I'd like to fight Arrg because of the extra XP.

    Could we get an option to have no fixed position? 🤓

  2. 29 minutes ago, Apaec said:

    Hey :)

    Thanks for the comments. In future, I would certainly like to implement something similar to this which keeps the camera at a fixed angle. Unfortunately, this would be a huge amount of work as I would have to write my own interaction & walking APIs which keep the camera fixed - this would risk reliability and would not benefit from the maintenance that the developers provide to the current API. Also, as i'm sure you know, reinventing the wheel is rarely a good plan.

    I don't think the fixed camera setup would improve efficiency and i'm unsure as to whether it would affect detectability (probably wouldn't).

    Nonetheless, thank you for this suggestion -- i've made a note of it :)


    Thanks for the reply, however I'm a bit surprised. 

    I'm not talking about writing major codes for interaction and walking. The current interaction method uses the camera to rotate and find the object to interact with, if the object is not visible. You could easily write your own interaction method setting operateCamera to false and setting an arbitrary miniMapDistanceThreshold to make it walk using the main screen. I think (hope) you know what I'm referring to. By this, the fixed camera setup would make the script less bot-like because of the unnecessary clicks on minimap, while rotating the camera. This is a BIG detectability imo.

    Also, as I'm sure you know, upgrading the wheel to make it more efficient is often a good idea. Imagine if cars were driving with wheels made of stone rather than rubber.

  3. Hey Apaec!

    I bought your script today and used it for 20 minutes. I noticed how it handles the courses and I must say it's very bot-like.

    When handling some obstacles the script will turn the camera too much unnecessarily, and eventual click on the mini-map to walk to the next obstacle. I've done 1-99 agility manually before and I found a quite nice tactic that allows me to semi-afk while running rooftops. I'm not using the camera at all. If next obstacle is not visible on the screen I will simply walk towards it by clicking on the tiles, not the mini-map. Namely, I find a good camera angle which lets me handle the obstacles with one click, no walking or rotating the camera. The only time I use mini-map is when I'm walking from the end of the course to the start.

    This is an example of me doing falador rooftops manually

    This is an example of your script doing falador rooftops

    If you need any further explanation, don't hesitate to reply and I will explain it more thoroughly.

  4. if(!getBank().contains(227) || !getBank.contains(HighestMarginHerbId)) {
      return State.GRANDEXCHANGE;

    Put that into your getState() method.

    If the bank does not contain any of the items with id 227 OR HighestMarginHerbId, it will return to state GRANDEXCHANGE.

  5. 1. OSBot Version (do NOT put "current version", be specific)

    osbot 2.4.162

    2. A description of the issue. Include relevant logs.

    When the webwalker walks through the stronghold of security, when the questions pops up, it answers incorrectly on some of the questions. I've tested it a bit and found out that it answers wrongly on six questions.

    I wrote down the questions where it makes mistakes and put the correct answer below the question.

    1. What do you do if someone tells you that you have won the RuneScape lottery and asks you for your password and recoveries to award your prize?
      Answer: Don't tell them anything and click the Report Abuse button.
    2. What do I do if a moderator asks me for my account details?
      Answer: Politely tell them no then use the report abuse button.
    3. A website claims that they can make me a player moderator if I give them my password. What should I do?
      Answer: Don't tell them anything and inform Jagex through the game website.
    4. What do I do if I think I have a keylogger or a virus?
      Answer: Virus scan my computer then change my password and recoveries.
    5. What do you do if someone asks you for your password or recoveries to make you a member for free?
      Answer: Don't tell them anything and click the Report Abuse button.
    6. You have been offered an opportunity to check out a free giveaway or double XP signup via email or in game chat. What should I do?
      Answer: Report the incident and do not click any links.

    3. Are you receiving any errors in the client canvas or the logger? 


    4. How can you replicate the issue?

    Webwalk through stronghold of security and watch how it answers the questions.

    5. Has this issue persisted through multiple versions? If so, how far back?

    No idea

    • Like 1
  6. google the affect of marijuana cells on the human blood immune systems and then come and talk to me. smh. people like you who corrupt the schools and cities 

    cool trolling, I shall google how to become a troll like you

  7. yeah actually you are, marijuana can overtake your body and make you do irrational things. wouldn't surprise me if you've done things you'd regret under the influence of the drug's toxins and not even remembered once your body's immune system has removed to marijuana cells

    lol who are you and why do you suck so much?

  8. alright i must be too retarded to code. How can i even run the if statement while walking? everytime i use webWalk, it stops reading code until it reaches its destination. am i making sense or should i just uninstall my IDE?



    I still can't run any code/checks while walking. for example

            new ConditionalSleep(2500, 100) {
            public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
                return myPlayer().isMoving();
            Script.sleep(Script.random(600, 800));
            log("vial dropped");
        }else{log("nothing to drop");} 

    will only read past the webwalking line once the player is already completely finished walking. is this making any sense or am i actually retarded?

    No, you're not retarded. It will walk until it reaches the final destination. However, you could make a condition for when to walk to next position and you'll be able to control what to do while the player is walking.

    if player is not moving || distance between player and current destination < 6
    webwalk to position
    do pot stuff
  9. From my understanding of this code, I don't think you're understanding quite what i want to do.


    I want to drink potions while walking to the destination. 


    My question still remains, how do i check if im moving (or do ANYTHING) while my player is moving towards his destination with webwalk?

    Pseudo code:

    walk to area
    conditional sleep till player is moving
    if player is moving && is not potted
    drink potions
  10. Reading over scripts and coaching each scripter on what's needed to get accepted is very time consuming. I have no problem instantly denying scripts if you want me to move over to that model.

    Keep it that way. Less shitty scripts on the SDN

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