Disputed Member: Jamez Thread: I contacted Jamez via skype to create to accounts for me prior to his quiting of service. We agreed on a set price of 16m per account for the follow stats. Here is a picture of the terms we agreed too. http://gyazo.com/3590c89dbe2af0f92d45a6551e49e9be Here is picture of me giving payment to Jamez (staff) And him confirmin ghtat he accepted http://gyazo.com/42f37422f58296802fd153d5263a30e9 Him know ignoring me for around 3 days along with no progress on accounts. http://gyazo.com/4a74a7966ba4b1499c6e73e184a9152f I would prefer to see this service completed, but will also take full refund of the 32m.