This is a very interesting thread and I'm going to throw my point of view out there as well. Ive been doing a lot of experimenting myself.
SO I dont have any extremely hard evidence cause Im relatively new to OSBot but this is what Ive gathered so far.
I think the no appeal perm bans come from either code based level ID like you said, or from a JMod sweep. Ive heard from other sites that JMods will go to hotspots and scoop up bots by the bundle. I think this happened to me (its hard telling with this whole "delayed ban" thing) let me explain.
So I started two accounts, one that was going to be a skilled pure and the other was going to be a pure pker. The skilled pure was going pretty good, and I was "playing it safe" switching up skills and talking to people. Making trades, etc. The PKer I had suiciding at chickens for like 8+ hours a day. Picking up feathers and killing chickens. Thats it. Pretty obvious bot pattern.
So on Day 3 of botting I swtiched up skills again. Grabbed some feathers on the skilled pure and took him to Edgeville for fly fishing, left the pker at chickens. Had the skiller fly fishing for maybe an hour, or 2 max, when I went to check on it, found out it was perm banned for marcoing[No Appeal]. Checked my pker, still good to go, left him botting all night, still unbanned in the morning.
So I wanted to see if it was the fishing that got me banned, Made a new skiller pure, this one going to be a pure fisher. Also started training other stats on my Pure Pker to make it look more "legit".
Trained the fisher pure from 1-55 fishing in a day and a half, fishing over 4,000 trouts/salmons without a ban. Savagely botting. Max Hours/Mis Clicks/The Whole Scoop. So this doesnt prove that fishing got me banned, only that I was likely banned by a person and not a program; Unless I was banned for something else and they delayed it, which makes me wonder why the Pker is still going strong.
Trained the Pker for the last 5 days botting, still no ban.
So I can't necessarily tell if you're right about injections getting you instant banned. I think the instant bans come from the Mods doing bot reports on hot spots. Im still waiting to see if my bots are in the "trial period" and get purged tho but so far so good,.