Hello everyone!
I had a discussion about this website and it's ability to provide a clean service a couple weeks ago, where i discussed the problems i had been having with a purchase i made.
Long story short, i purchased an order of gold from ArcusGold for 33.00 USD. The order was not met and i was given an automated response telling me that no gold was in stock, for around 2 days. I then contacted their live support and asked for a refund as i was not given my gold nor a valid response from their team.
They responded by offering my coupons and such for the trouble, but no refund. I then demanded a refund in which they responded by saying that they would sort out the refund.
After 6 months, yes... 6 months, no refund was given.
So, obviously after the 6 months i came here as OSbot promotes this website and i felt that this would be the only way to resolve the issue, a topic that i mentioned earlier was brought up, 2 weeks or so later i was given a response from Arcus on the forums, stating the following: http://imgur.com/KH8FVmM
I privately messaged Arcus providing my order number.
I have still not received a reply from him in over a week, and the original topic was closed.
So, i decided to take this to the live chat of Arcus Gold. However, sure enough i was given a response fit for a website such as Arcus.
2 http://imgur.com/c8Zw4UO
So what am i to do here? As i stated earlier i feel as if some responsibility falls on the website promoting Arcus, as being a member of this community for some time, seeing OSbot advertise Arcusgold was the only reason i decided to try it. And i was burned big time.
Thanks for the read, hopefully this issue can be resolved.