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  1. I wasnt using a vpn, i seem to be able to bot for approximately 20 hrs with a " flagged ip " before the ban hammer, tbh if i ran 10 accounts, hit 60 in them 10 hours easily, have another 10 hours x 10 accounts = 100 hours of yew botting per day only effort i have to put in is selling 200 regular logs to get enough for a rune axe ?
  2. Yeah i thought so to i bought it off a website thats pretty trusted and has been around for a long time i won't mention it because i dont want to advertise All their other chars were so overpriced but this one wasn't due to it having 0 99's, but damn are the stats nice and 250+ quest points is legit as fuck it also has a lot of diaries and rep grinds done which is great I guess i got a lucky find, the has a mute and that's all for its history, secured the email with 2 step on the account now so here's hoping all goes well! And no i didn't scam the guy, i regretted selling it 100% but i didn't try to recover it until recently because he actually charged me back on paypal for the money he payed me about 2 months after he bought it, i recovered it recently to find it had a perm RWT ban on it from 2 months after i sold it in 2016, go figure why he charged back, i don't blame him but i didn't do anything to cause the ban, any he didn't successfully win the paypal dispute. Plus if you guys know who return of wilderness is on youtube, you'd wish i scammed him.
  3. Well boys wish me luck, just purchased an account with 250+ QP, 1700ish total level, quest cape, fire cape, few other goodies, for 119 US Basically puts me at around the same stats as when i sold mine back in 2016, super hyped to start playing again
  4. Thanks guys, i definitely won't be selling accounts as i don't have to time to train them, and really the only reason to sell an account is out of pure desperation for money, it's simply not worth training and selling for actual profit, waste of time tbh But i am extremely keen to buy an account to start playing again, so i'm curious to hear anyones stories if they've been successful buying mains from users on here
  5. Hi guys, as the title suggests i need some advice on buying an rs account through this website. I sold my main account a few years back and it was banned 2 months later after i transferred the account to their email, they weren't happy and i was pretty sad about the whole thing since i kinda wanted the account back after a while So i'm curious, how high is the ban rate for buying / selling accounts? maybe i made a mistake? I'd love to buy accounts from here but i'm super worried it'll end up banned, cheers guys Edit* I think it's worth mentioning i sold the account to Return of Wilderness, yes the youtuber, maybe jagex just nukes that retards accounts all the time, and the chances of a normal person being banned for that is low, who knows.
  6. So i've been doing some tests with some premium scripts, actually been running my wc bot for 16 - 17 hours straight with only maybe 3 quick dc's due to script errors and no ban yet on a f2p. I also botted from tutorial island straight out the doors onto oaks and then willows, currently at 69 WC. So i'm curious, if i'm lasting 17 hours straight on a f2p bot, then is this script actually worth taking breaks with and trying to get to 99? or do they generally ban you after 1 day nowadays, because my first test with a different script was banned about 24 hrs after creation at 68 WC, i took a few breaks the longest was a 5 hour break.
  7. Hi guys! i recently purchased ViP, which i plan to keep for a while, and also the Czars perfect woodcutter, i'm having some performance issues with the woodcutter script for a specific mode i purchased it for and that is its ability to cut a tree you click on, it causes extreme lag on my laptop and i can't fix it, i was hoping to swap it for Khal AIO Woodcutter They're both the same price so i was curious if one of the mods or admins on here could help me out and swap it for the other, if not i understand but it just sucks because i can't run the script without my laptop literally being unusable Thanks guys!
  8. So i was going through my statements and couldn't find any record of the payment, paypal or my bank. So i went to the Arcus website and made an order, without purchasing it to see if i could get the same email i did 6 months ago. And, i did. So therefore apparently my email picture doesn't actually prove i paid for it. I'm sure i paid for it, but as i can't find any record of the payment within my statements i can't really back up my claims. Maybe the customer service member i spoke to them months ago did actually refund it, and that causes the initial payment statement to disappear? Tbh, i'm not really sure how it works. But i'd like to end the dispute as i cannot provide sufficient evidence, cheers.
  9. As a wise man pointed out.. @Lemons - lol like how he says doesn't exist, then immediate it does but unpaid http://i.imgur.com/vqYR5BK.png
  10. But, the email proves i actually made the payment as that is the confirmation of payment their website sends via email. If that's not enough let me know.
  11. Also, if you can even read this as my replies aren't showing up, i didn't pay with it via paypal, it was through my bank account. So i'm trying to receive the statement as your bank only tracks your last 100 days of transactions through the web client, if i cannot access them through the web i'll get a hardcopy bank statement, scan it and upload it as a PDF
  12. Here's the email. And i'm happy to back this claim with bank statements because the fact that you're giving me 24 hours to respond but not vice versa is ridiculous. [Evidence hidden in post below]
  13. Hello everyone! I had a discussion about this website and it's ability to provide a clean service a couple weeks ago, where i discussed the problems i had been having with a purchase i made. Long story short, i purchased an order of gold from ArcusGold for 33.00 USD. The order was not met and i was given an automated response telling me that no gold was in stock, for around 2 days. I then contacted their live support and asked for a refund as i was not given my gold nor a valid response from their team. They responded by offering my coupons and such for the trouble, but no refund. I then demanded a refund in which they responded by saying that they would sort out the refund. After 6 months, yes... 6 months, no refund was given. So, obviously after the 6 months i came here as OSbot promotes this website and i felt that this would be the only way to resolve the issue, a topic that i mentioned earlier was brought up, 2 weeks or so later i was given a response from Arcus on the forums, stating the following: http://imgur.com/KH8FVmM I privately messaged Arcus providing my order number. I have still not received a reply from him in over a week, and the original topic was closed. So, i decided to take this to the live chat of Arcus Gold. However, sure enough i was given a response fit for a website such as Arcus. 2 http://imgur.com/c8Zw4UO So what am i to do here? As i stated earlier i feel as if some responsibility falls on the website promoting Arcus, as being a member of this community for some time, seeing OSbot advertise Arcusgold was the only reason i decided to try it. And i was burned big time. Thanks for the read, hopefully this issue can be resolved.
  14. Whats the point of offering me a refund if you don't check your messages in over a week? D:
  15. I'll go through my email and try it find it, if not it's fine i'd love to buy from you guys again due to the cheap prices i just wanted to make sure it's not a scam like it seemed last time, i'll get back to you with the Order number. Found it, i'll pm you with the number.
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