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  1. Whats up with the dropping? Im powerfishing Trout/salmon and it skips all over the place. It ends up examining most of the fish before it finally gets them all dropped. I usually bank so I have no clue if it does this normally or not. Logger nor console shows anything to be wrong
  2. How do I obtain the updated versions of the scripts that i own? Sorry toask in the thread, I just dont know these things
  3. They will generally ban f2p with a perm ban. Jagex doesnt give a crap about f2p players. If you have a membership, they want you to stick around so they slap a 2day on it
  4. I got a 2 day ban on my old account. I didn't bot for about to three days then started up again. I didn't bot for more than 3 hours at a time every day after the temp ban. About a month later I got banned again, this time perm. It wasn't because I was botting either, I moved about 2m worth of coal from a gold farm to my main via multi-logging. Its okay to keep botting, just don't do it for too long, and don't do anything really stupid.
  5. Thiever didnt show up, then again I dont believe its on the sdn
  6. I know its not your fault that your inbox is heavily spammed and you lose my messages, so Imma just leave this in a thread so it cant be lost. So could I please get Perfect chopper, perfect fisher, and that thieving script you have? Also are these permanent or do they have to be renewed every month? (the 3 I bought and rated 5 where experiments, perfect miner, and motherlode. I also left reviews)
  7. its only been a few says but i think its safe to get back into the botting game. Motherlode worked fine, but could i get experiments again? never got the opportunity to use them You added Minotaurs not experiments. (sorry that I keep posting) Im very confused as to what just happened, but you added Minotaurs not experiments
  8. No, I was using a free trial of another script that i am going to buy. It had been over day since id used it though
  9. Yea, i got banned using the motherlode mine. I had ran it for about an hour before I was banned. I was using mirror mode
  10. this and motherlode mine are the only two id like to try before I start buying these
  11. Bulbasaur_

    vip user

    I paid for VIP but never got it
  12. / Pathfinding error, source: [x=3208, y=3502, z=0] and target: [x=3088, y=3474, z=0], report this to Czar immediately! attempted_logout: 1011 - bad tree_area got this when trying to cut yews next to the GE I am currently using the 24 hour trial so i probably wont be able to see it get fixed till i buy it. (maybe I did something wrong?) EDIT: I might just be retarded, I didnt realize the location would reset when i entered tree type. It has begun to cut only 2 of the three yews in that area, Im not sure if that is how it is supposed to be. If so sorry for the waste of time. oh man, now its decided to start cutting the third tree.. it only now started doing this after 20 mins. TLDR: dont bother reading this post
  13. alright, well could we try that perfect miner again? I guess i missed it. any other info i should need as well? Edit: NVM it showed up on my sdn after I hit refresh. It appears to be working well.
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