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  1. The paint seems to be hidden no matter whether I check the option to hide the paint or not in the new GUI, maybe it's just me. The bot IS running. Edit because screenshot. https://gyazo.com/2c9a46af0056aa4cc0a2be6b38bf87bb
  2. Czar can I have a trial been a while since I used one of your scripts.
  3. Kuriboh

    Molly's Thiever

    I've had this script for quite some time and like that you updated the gui with more npcs/stalls to choose from. I was wondering (if it hasn't been suggested yet) that when stealing cakes/bread from the ardougne stall maybe give an option to bank the items? The xp/hr is progressively slower imo when it right clicks to drop the food and misses the next spawn because someone else is in the world. (granted I could hop until I find an empty world but that's not ideal) Plus I would rather just bank the cakes/bread so I have food for other uses without having to start training fishing.
  4. Completed on my pure, will definitely use for my main as well. Starting inv; https://gyazo.com/98fbe4078d05d37106ae11c348a5e02f Finishing product; https://gyazo.com/878ad52973a7918d53ab92ef0337be06 Definitely recommend this guy to anyone!
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