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  1. Yes its working now, 1 hour without bugs thanks for the fix.
  2. And you thought I was lying....
  3. My options are above. also when he tried to deposit the item he doesn't even select any options... such as "All" it gets stuck here also unless i manually click it
  4. I'm using 2.3.29 client, What it does it after a full inver runs to the sailor, stands still at one spot. Unless i right click the sailor to pay fees your bot doesn't do it himself, kinda takes the point out of buying a bot. what is the 2.4 thing youre on about because when i load the bot the watermakr states perfectifsher 2.5 already. im also selecting "Lobsters" > Karamaja > Banking > Stop at 99 fishing.
  5. Dude you still need to tell us why Karamaja Banking doesn't work its the whole purpose why I bought your script. and paid for VIP
  6. Still would like a reply Or i'll have to reluctantly get my money back. please help me fix this! WHY WONT IT BANK
  7. Fishing lobsters in karamaja all great but it won't BANK! someone help please???
  8. Was about to buy a VIP status for my botting account as I have alot of accounts i'd like to bot, is it unlimited once I buy the VIP status can i bot as many account as I want? also How would i cancel the monthly subscription invoice??
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