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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Vag

  1. OP could just dispute him for scamming, as global ToS override his ToS. Terms of Service are really for not to get the 1st party in trouble, not to fuck up the second party.
  2. From Skype profile picture, i'd assume it is LeBron's service.
  3. I remember having a android phone where I installed Ubuntu on. I was able to run RuneScape itself on my phone. I don't think it is possible on iPhone tho, since the OS is integrated.
  4. I raise my toast to Justin Bieber
  5. The part "Sell the time you have played on the account" is the loop hole here. My point was that you are not allowed to sell something you do not own. And since by European laws and common sense time is something you can charge people for.
  6. Not directly, but think it this way; I rent you a apartment and you sell it. You break law. You do not own anything inside runescape, you just have the right to play on your account and everything you bought/gained further on is a extendition to your experience in RuneScape. Therefore selling something in-game for real money is illegal.
  7. Yes.. I've always wondered how can a "legit" company sell other companies property. eg. RuneScape Gold.
  8. Vag

    Hello :)

    Is it a new fashion that everyone is computer science student?
  9. Your user title proves me so much about the ammount of friends you have sir.
  10. Stupid thread. Everyone already knows all of that ><
  11. No. You will do nothing. Just wait for the script developer to update his script patiently.
  12. I don't give a cookie about elections in UK. But I still have something to say; Yes, I am very strong socialist, and will always be. But it does not matter who is running the government, there is always someone crying over it. At the same instance someone has a bit extra money, there is a jealous idiot whining. At the end it is a win-win situation for democracy, as it's main goal is simple as this - I gain something - You will also get advantage of it. Thank-you.
  13. :facepalm: Format HDD or CCleaner. Deleting a file does nothing.
  14. Create new administrive users (4x) set-up a sock5 proxy for each one of them.
  15. Windows -> Create private networks for each IP.. Linux -> Set up Socks5 Proxy
  16. Vag

    it hurts

    First time I can agree with @Epsilon ..
  17. Close please. Sold all the gold and bought beer. Will be starting this goal again in near future.
  18. Okay so let me explain my situation to you real quick. I am currently out of money. I'd like someone to transer 25,000 euros to my PayPal, or what I prefer the most is that if you live in finland could you please deliver me the 25,000 euros in cash, preferably in pink suitcase - and I'd also like to have some flowers with it too. I need the 25,000 euros you are giving me for new car, as the situation is that my friend that I just meet at the town took my credit card and cash with him to the bathroom. Now he has dissapeared and does not answer my calls - I am kind worried about the horrible things that could happen to him. PS. No bank transfers as my credit card is gone.
  19. So you actually wwre serious with this?
  20. Lol. Now id rather give my money to charity.
  21. Please don't be too positive about life. Eventually it will kick you in the head. How ever the fact is that no one here knows exactly how their system works, so it will just be speculation. Only one aspect has been proven, they monitor people using modified hooks and link those hooks into a bot client. (Mod Jacmob in bot-busting stream)
  22. As the years have passed.. Is a great way to start a tale but no. Jagex bot catching system is a assumed to be very complex multi aspect system.
  23. JaGeX can only detect the time between two objects. Not the mouse speed itself. So loop sleeping does the trick.
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