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Newbie (1/10)



  1. uhm.. i started 2 days ago, used bot x4h... (2h per day). What the hell!
  2. Im not able to open 2, idk why, nothing appears
  3. well i dont care about tabs can i open another client?
  4. Im trying to bot on x2 accounts but i dont know why im not able to solutions?
  5. Since someone told me it's very risky to bot on the same ip as my main, can someone explain how do you do it? I mean i thought only bot account would be banned, not legit one. That means we're using vpn. Are there free vpn?
  6. Oh the local scripts tab doesnt appear and i can't add free scripts
  7. Hey there! My name is miquel! I wish to ask some questions, hope you can help me ( used search button) How many account (max) can i bot without being suspicious im thinking on 3+main Playing main and some bots on background is risky? ( i just care about main) I was planning to make gold by fishing, is there something which i can make 150k/h?
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