I'm trying to learn some coding as well. Currently I only know html & Css(anyone can learn these as), and I know some ruby/RoR and a little bit of Javascript. Check out code Academy for some great beginners tutorials for javascript and other languages. Can't much other than that because that's as much as I know.
Not sure if this is the right section, but I really need a shield of arrav partner ... and preferably one who will want to do heroes quest soon afterwards as well. Message me on OSBot if you're interested.
Partner found. Mod can close this thread. thanks.
I get something like this every time I refresh scripts. I am trying to use the latest version of Kminer, but when I refresh SDN script selection, this message shows up every time. I have even tried restarting the client completely. How do I get the client to recognize when I refresh so the script will update? Thanks.
PS: sorry if this is a repeated topic as I did not take the time to investigate this section thoroughly for similar topics.
Semi- related, I also think it would be great to add a Random-solver fail-safe. I.e if the bot has been attempting a random for more than 5 minutes, then it will stop the script, and log you out so you don't stand at unsolved randoms for hours.
Since the randoms aren't perfect, could you guys maybe add a fail safe to the client if your character spends x amount of minutes on a random, then it will log out? Thanks.