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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. WHICH version should be running right now? it says 3.22 in my box. one issue i am seeing is that when it logs to world hop it doesnt change worlds just goes back into the world that it was just in.
  2. damn my mauler got banned ={ time to go appeal.
  3. apaec thats been an issue since i started your bot with str pots..still flawless besides that
  4. I Did actually but i got with my clan. Bot is running smoothly right now but runs down and back up too many times, besides that flawless 99 STR!!!!
  5. ive ran this script for 5 straight days FLAWLESS and i got 99 str from apaec
  6. apaec try 2.3.15 uncheck any auto updates when it first loads its cuz of your lovely bot. ill have 99 str by morning as long as the bot doesnt stall in the bank after this run ill babysit it and see what happens
  7. 2.3.15 doesnt wait for the gui it attacks im getting xp as we speak lol
  8. look in your downloaded files folder on your computer i have a bunch of os bot shortcuts from before this one. trying 2.3.5 and up 2.3.13 works doesnt wait on gui trying now i found all my old osbot downloads
  9. trying it now this is what i got when i clicked on the link
  10. how can i get a client version before 2.3.15?
  11. still withdraws and sits in bank. only need 665k more xp to 99 str C'MON MAN!!!! Are you able to undo the .15 update?
  12. 30 hour proggy dont mind the xp thing.
  13. because we upload proggies. flawless bot A only thing is that it stands around the cammy bank and house port in relleka no issues besides that
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