Hello everyone. First off I'd like to introduce myself ~ I am 'Muddy pee', just another people, but I have done lots of firecapes on Runescape; and would love to continue doing more once again in hopes of maybe making a bit of spare change while I play this game. I use to do a similar service and it went quite well! so hopefully we can get fired up here again and see how this goes, I hope you guys can give me the benefit of the doubt, considering my freshness to this forum. ( though I have been an active participant in RWT/Botting over the years.
Helm: Robin>Verac's>Archer's helm
Amulet: Fury>Glory
Chest: Black D'hide body
Legs: Verac's skirt/Black D'hide chaps
Boots: Snakeskin
Ring: Archer's/N/A
Hands: Barrows/Dragon gloves>Black Vams
Weapon: Blowpipe>Crystal bow>Karil's bow
Cape slot: Accumulator (God Cloak if karils bow)
Helm: Robin>Mitre
Amulet: Fury/Glory
Chest: Monk robe
Legs: Black D'hide chaps
Feet: Rangers>Boots of lightness
Weapon: Blowpipe>Crystal bow>Karils bow
Hands: Black d'hide vams
Ring: Archer's ring>N/A
Accumulator/God Cloak
Typical Invetory
17 Super Restores
6>7 Saradomin Brews
2>3 Ranging potions
0-(250) Purple sweets
Purple sweets are generally something that is only needed when:
a) You have a 1 defence account, whom takes a lot of extra damage during the 63 waves
b) if you have a low ranging level, more super restores are required. Meaning less Brews in inventory ( Replaced with X # OF Sweets )
Because I am new to this forum, and because trust is needed before I can really become a competitive person on this forum, I will be doing firecapes at a solid rate of $10.00 USD Per Cape
At all times, people requesting just waves 60-63 will be given the service free of charge.
You must create a temporary password during(for) this service
Payment in USD/07 OSRS GP only
You must have your account safe and secured before this service
07 only ( no RS3 )
Do not attempt to login during service