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  1. What version of osbot are you using?
  2. I found the fastest cash with wheat was at varrock so I made the script there =)
  3. I was thinking about it but I don't have an account that can use the cooking guild.
  4. yes people buy it for 70 GP i showed a picture of me selling the profits from 2 hours 10 mins =) Just added a Mediafire link =).
  5. Hello guys, This is my first script, It's a wheat picker which makes 51k an hour with 0 requirements. Simply start at either G.E or Varrock West bank and the script will do the rest for you. https://www.mediafire.com/?hp46s8u2a3um2fk List of features: Anti ban - the character will stop at times and move the mouse off screen, also the camera is made to be more realistic. Won't get stuck - if the gate is open the script won't spam click where it can't move it will always open it. Smart sleeping - It won't spam click on wheat or the bank it will always wait until it's done the current option to click again. Pictures: If there are any problems tell me and I'll update the script, or if you think of a faster zone =).
  6. unborn

    Molly's Thiever

    Hello, There seems to be a problem with the script after 1-2 hrs of running i end up dead and then the bot just freaks out and relogs. Here is the logger when it crashes http://puu.sh/mr6J1/b85b693089.png Thanks.
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