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  1. No problem, here it is: There is not really a point in this as it is easily done without a script.... Why bot something you don't have to? If you want it to stop after 6 hours you could just do it with batch. Normally if I just want something to run for say 3 hours and then close and shutdown my computer I run this via CMD: shutdown /f /s /t 10800to cancel the above command: shutdown /a
  2. Go to the browse tab and find the scripts to D/L them from the SDN Alternatively add the jars to your CURRENT_USER/OSBot/Scripts folder
  3. NP, I have a good 100+ hours on it. (used it to train from 3-82 mage because bodies were dirt cheap) Be sure to wear full iron or some other awful mage armor so you will splash most the time.
  4. has a whole 2 D/Ls but, I've added a screenshot as I am still using it.
  5. You can only splash combat spells... Body runes were cheaper than minds and yield higher xp.
  6. About Me: I would use this to train mage from 3-55. Averages about 30k/hour It will automatically switch between the spells as they become available. Jar: Kitty_Kaster.zip. (Zipped due to file restrictions) I can attach the source if requested. Stand right outside the monks cell in varrock castle and start the script. If you enjoy this be sure to let me know and I will continue developing. Screens:
  7. Can someone give me a few tips on how to control the mouse? For example, I would like to be able to paint it on screen. I know I can do this inside of onPaint using the mouse positioning but, there are functions inside the mouse class that look like they may be made specifically for it. Additionally, how do I control the speed of the mouse? I have tried many things I thought would have worked but with no luck. Thanks.
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