Hey guys Im taking the time to tell you everything I know about being banned and botting, lets begin.
I'd like to note that I have been a Runescape Gold Farmer for the past 4 years, and I have been playing runescape since 2003.
How to prevent being banned
First of all, being banned depends all on where you are botting and how many reports you receive. If you go into common locations for botting, Moderators sweep those locations and literally go through every character and ban everyone. THE MOST COMMON time to get banned is while you are running your bots during the middle of the night, from all my bots that have been banned it's around 2-5am. What I do and helps prevent being banned is putting on a Auto-Typer so your character is always talking and responding to players. This lowers the amount of reports you will get from other players. Don't get greedy with your bots, you can run them all day but at night is when the Ban hammers really come down. Locations to avoid are mainly ALL f2p spots to make money. This includes Minning Essence, Fishing and cutting at Draynor, Cutting yews and etc.
If you're going to bot the smartest thing you can do is go to a private location. For example if you are going to bot fletching and alching, don't stand right in Varrok bank for 10 hours straight. Go to a bank like Gnome village, yanille, spots where players don't commonly go through and moderators that go around just banning bots don't see you. This keeps you completely safe and even the worst bot could not be detected.
Types of bans
I have created over 5000 acounts for botting and only 10% of them become member due to the fact of my funding for Gold Farming. ALL F2P accounts that are banned for botting are banned for Good, no warning nothing, there completely disabled. ALTHOUGH, if you are a member you will only receive a 2 day ban for botting. In my opnion I think this is so that they don't lose there members and income become this game is obviously a lot less popular then it use to be meaning they make less money because of less members. But anyways
- F2P, perm ban for botting
- P2P you get a 2 day ban for botting, but this takes up half your ban meter
Additional Information - Always run the most amount of bots at the same time on your computer for the most profit. Having 5 accounts fishing Lobsters is much better then 1, you get 5 times the profit.
Go on youtube and WATCH the mods go to the most common bot locations and ban all the botters and see how it's done. You must try you're best to avoid these common botting locations. I would also like to add that the Free Flax bot will get you banned, and it's not worth using, especially since you paying to be a member, you wont earn your 8 dollars back in gold.
None of the bots that are free on this website are safe, you can get caught cheating and you will be banned.
- Bot in private Locations to avoid heat from mods and other players
- Don't run you're bots overnight, unless your in a bank filled with other players to avoid heat and you will blend in
- Don't get greedy with your bots, running them 17 hours a day is good enough
- Don't bot in common locations unless you want to get banned
- Add auto typer in with your bots, if you're by your computer just type in random stuff instead