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Posts posted by coen95

  1. Yea these are my settings:


    Everything is working, but it's not re-entering.. No error codes either.

    Whenever it says pay 22k? Yes/no, it just stands there

  2. It's not re-entering dreams for me.


    It gets stuck on " Agree to pay 22k? "  Options: yes or no.

    When i manually pres Yes, the script continues and works fine.

    But it the script never presses it ?


    Help me out please

  3. Got a 2 day ban after botting for 8 hours with breaks on mirror mode..


    Never been banned botting nmz before..


    So be careful people


    How should I go about botting after these 2 days? Any advice

  4. Bought it today, really like the dhing it's close to flawless.

    Can't wait for the self-host update so I can run this baby 24/7, I know you're gonna nail it.

    You got an ETA on that? 

    Keep it up

  5. Works nicely!

    Only problem I'm having is that the paint is broken?


    I did a 2 hr trip and closed the bot, went to bank for new ppots and stuff. Started the script in a new dream, and the paint is stuck on the trip from before.

    So it's not doing anything at all rn.

  6. Thanks for the trial.

    Script ran fine for 2-3 hours.

    Then i leveled my HP and it totally tripped out?

    The exp counters for Ranged all went to 0:00 till level.


    Then it said: Ran out of ammo; stopping script. So it stopped?  

    Edit: and i still had 20k iron knives equipped so plenty of ammo


    Edit: Restarted it; timer still broken (?) My ranged is 93, it says 42 somehow.

    Not complaining by the way since its a trial, just some feedback


  7. Hi Czar,

    used many of your scripts. Thinking about buying this one, If I were to use ranged at experiments with full void and iron knives (94 ranged)

    How much xp/hr would that get me?

    (I'm in desperate need of some hp levels hehe )


    Maybe a trial?


  8. i fixed that , it stopped doing it, when was the last time you tried it? I think it was compiled a few hours ago (the version number didn't change tho)


    let me know if it ever happens again, i tested 4k iron bars and it didn't happen


    yea i just had it running for a couple hours, and when I woke up it was stuck and at 40kxp/hr.


    I just restarted it, so if it happens again I'll let you know, cheers.

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