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Everything posted by Avortex

  1. To get the pay increase do I multiply the current salary which is 65789.87 * (.05) 5%? For Miller Andrew.
  2. What am I suppose to do with this?
  3. Omg thank you so much. But I'm left with a couple of question(s) So, now do I just copy and paste both of those sections onto Eclipse (or what program do you use? Also, in what section of the code do I put the first names and last names? Thanks!
  4. Thanks bro. But could you do Miller Andrew for me, so I would know how to do the rest? Thanks. I just don't know where to put the first guy -_-
  5. Hi, so I just started to learn Java and need some help on this practice assignment that I got and I have no clue what's going on lol The question is: Three employees in a company are up for a special pay increase. Create an input file called Lab3_input.txt, with the following data: Miller Andrew 65789.87 5 Green Shelia 75892.56 6 Sethi Amit 74900.50 6.1 Wills George 56784.67 10 Array Steve 87034.50 2.5 Each input line consists of an employee's last name, first name, current salary, and percent pay increase. For example, in the first input line, the last name of the employee is Miller, the first name is Andrew, the current salary is 65789.87, and the pay increase is 5%. Write a program that reads data from the specified file and stores the output in the file Lab3_output.txt. For each employee, the data must be output in the following form: firstname lastname updatedsalary Formart the output of decimal numbers to two decimal places. -------------- Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  6. I stopped for about 8 months now, haven't even touched RS. I was wondering, do you guys think its worth playing again? I'm on summer break right now from college.
  7. This was my first time being prescribe Ritalin and yea I tell her to cancel the Celexa. I feel like antidepressants do more harm than good in the long run.
  8. I guess what I'm trying to say is, with the possibility of my doctor from back home having a discussion with my doctor here (who prescribed me Ritilian and Celexa can stop prescribing me future refiles of Ritilian (after the discussion they both have). I don't really care about the Celexa since I'm not going to take it anymore. Okay thanks
  9. Since I have trouble focusing, but never really been fully diagnosed with an attention deficit (ADHD), I went to my college campus psychiatrist and I guess she made me fill out a paper work and list the current symptoms I was having and she than prescribed me Ritalin and Celexa (for recurring past anxieties) and my dad was pretty mad for a little bit (got over it eventually), because I went to a doctor here instead of the one in my hometown. Well anyway once I told my Dad and Sister (who's in pre-med) told me Celexa is very bad and I should not be taking it ( so I threw it away) and kept the Ritalin (since it helps me focus in school) and now my Dad is mad because my psychiatrist here prescribed me a "Dangerous" drug like Celexa (an anti-depressant) without consulting my primary doctor back home first. So, can I my psychiatrist get in trouble for prescribing me these pills? She had previous notes from my past high school about my learning disabilities that I've been diagnosed with (which my college has) and my psychologists notes with my anxiety issues. My dad is having my "primary" doctor (from back home) talk with my current college psychiatrist for prescribing these pills. ---- Sorry for the long text of words :P. I'm annoyed of over reacting parents -_-
  10. Still waiting on that developer rank
  11. Position: Developer Reason: So I can have black rank Motivation: To have black rank, have a cool black pip. Examples of previous works: List a few of your best works or academic achievements. -Cook 60 second rice in 58 seconds. - The dictionary - Built the Great Wall of China to keep the Chinese out of the US (didn't work) - Built the Great Wall of the US border (also didn't work) - Wrote border hopping for dummies ----- Support list - - - .....
  12. I'm not trying to abuse it on any means. Just trying to concentrate and do better in school and I tend to get distracted and off task quite easily.
  13. Yea I looked it up, and it just says the usual its used for: an attention deficit and narcolepsy.
  14. You didn't really answer my question .....
  15. So, I'm a typical college student who wants (NEEDS) adderall. So, I went to the campus doctors office today and I told my doctor that I have occasional headaches which cause me to stay off guard / task and how I get distracted by every little thing (even while I watch TV, etc). So, today he told me to make another appointment with him (for next week), to see if things get better naturally first before moving a step further. And, if push comes to shove he'll make an appointment for me to see a psychiatrist to talk about possible medications and diagnoses of ADD or ADHD (pretty sure I have it anyway). Mainly my question is, how do I convince my pyschiatrist to make him or her believe that I have ADD or ADHD to be considered given adderall? What do I tell him or her during my appointment? They, also took a blood test from me today.
  16. Still waiting on this long delayed script, that was supposed to be released last weekend.
  17. Lol. Don't be blinded by the love of your state, when the statistics are right in the palm of your hands.
  18. Who do you guys think is going to win the Super Bowl? I personally think the Patriots are going to win because based on logic statistics and overall winnings, the Patriots are WAY better than the Sea Hawks and in my own personal opinion the SeaHawks vs the Packers, the SeaHawks just got 'lucky' personally. So, who do you guys think is going to win the Super Bowl?;
  19. OMFG THANKS. is going to be uploaded TODAY?
  20. Hey, is the Kwarrior script almost finished?
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