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  1. I started a brand-new account and botted like 12hours in a day, banned in the same day. what's is considered flaws?
  2. Hello Everyone. How i can improve some features in my scripts, to reduce ban rates or prolong my bots life? Has a recommended timer in conditional sleep, or another features, like do breaks in-game, or something like this? I can't bot more than 3 days without getting banned, botting like 6 hours a day, with 20 min break every hour.
  3. Working fine for me, take a screenshot and show me :))
  4. Fixed I dont noticed that world is pvp, i removed world 371 from the list. try now
  5. THREAD BUYER IN RIMMINGTON What's Script does? - Buy thread's in dommik shop. - This scripts is lucky deppendent, if you get low competition make more profit. Setup Need: PROGRESS REPORT DOWNLOAD:
  6. i made some calcs and estimate like 30 seconds per world, but i wait in final world, after hopping 14 times, and still not working i will do 25 secs before attempt to hopping betwen worlds. thanks
  7. anyone knows how many times i can switch world's until get logout? i noticed like to 14 times. But i still get logout after waiting 6 mins to restart hopping. Or someone knows any tips to avoid get logout??
  8. i need to write a construction script for my bots, but i need some help, because i'ts bugs alot when i build a new oak larder, this codes starts to send this logger notes and heavly lagging Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at Construction.doLarder(Construction.java:53) at Construction.onLoop(Construction.java:71) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
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