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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Bubble

  1. I love you even more, you've saved my farm! Btw, I will nede more proxies soon :-D
  2. You are a legend! I also purchased proxies from you, so I will vouch for you 100% Fast and very friendly! :-D
  3. Hahahahaha Anyways good luck with your goal :P
  4. damn, he must have made some great cash!
  5. Thanks for this! Will try it for sure!
  6. Looking forward to your script mate! =) Will it support multiple traps? :-)
  7. Bubble


    Thanks for the fast updates! :-)
  8. Hey guys, I'm interested in learning how to script, is that very hard to learn it and does it take lots of time to learn all the basics?
  9. Nice, good luck with your goal! Support!
  10. I am not supporting this, since it would make the forum being spammed a lot more. Then I would say members who have been here for like 1 year, should get it and extra tab instead.
  11. Ahh alright, np :-) Just update you bank then :P
  12. Nice show pics when you get them up How many do you think you will run?
  13. Good luck with your goal mate! Support!
  14. Ye, ban him asap, he has pm'ed a lot of members I guess..
  15. If I bot on another IP, and then my account gets banned, can I then tell Jagex, that I've been hacked, and the hacker probably botted on it?
  16. Would they really ban all my Accounts if they get me, on just one account?
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