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Trade With Caution
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About Zuxorra

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  1. I don't have the fire cape, the only three items on my whole account is a jester costume. I'll post pictures in an hour or so, currently on my phone
  2. Disputed member: [RsKinGp] Thread Link: Explanation: Bought firecape service from him, Contacted him on skype (skypename:kingrsgp) And discussed the cost of the service. Bought it from his website (http://www.goldkfc.com/) After he was done i couldnt login, because someone was still logged into my account. asked him if he logged off. he said he did, took atleast 15 minutes until i could login. When i got into the account it was in full jester costume and had nothing else on and nothing in bags. I checked my bank and everything was gone. Contacted him on skype about it and he's denying everything. I also changed pw before the service just to make sure only he and i had the password. (First email is me changing the password before the service, second after the service) I removed some information from the paypal email, my name for example and transaction id. I will give staff the unedited version if im asked to. Evidence:The images i uploaded is my evidence.
  3. Could i get a 12h trial
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