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Posts posted by Olemissfan99

  1. just found a bug 40 minutes in where the planker would remove logs from one banker and then walk to another and deposit them and remove them again, then walk to the previous teller, it was a loop


    sorry i restarted script before getting logs


    edit:  i couldnt copypasta logs, it appeared to be a problem with the bot detecting the money in the inventory, perhaps using the bank all items button and pulling out money individually for each trip would help?, i've remedied by just holding my entire cash stack in inventory, although this is very dangerous


  2. thank you very much, seems to be working, that was fast!

    one thing i have already noticed however, is that the bot runs whenever it has energy, for maximum efficiency, it is ideal to have the but only run when it is running back to the bank instead of to the yard,  this is because planks weigh roughly have as much as logs, just a tip!

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