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Rs Bots Pro

Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Rs Bots Pro

  1. Idk where, but I heard runescape may be PS3/xBox compatible soon in the future, doubt it though.


    wont happen, microsoft refuse to publish games on the console for free. this was said some years ago. Talks broke down because they didnt want to charge players to 'play' the game on the 360 on top of the membership fee online.

  2. I can't agree with that statement at all. If you've ever played with people who communicate, and talk to each other, you dominate every match you are in. I've won matches with clans where we only had 2 deaths each. Communication is such a huge part of the gameplay. See those MLG tourneys where they are all sitting 10 feet from each other, but still have turtle beaches on and talking, communicating. It has a lot of gameplay that people don't use. 

     100% truth right there. With a team/clan you can dominate lobbys for hours without any challenge lol.

  3. If your looking for new content theres a button for it top right

    If your looking for news we have the category for that

    I dont really see anything else that would be needed for new content, surely if its worth mentioning it would be a news post? :)

  4. Its not so much for staff but other members that maybe follow threads or need to find a thread but the person isnt the same anymore thus causing confusion, just my opinion i dont know if it reflects across the forum. Maybe it should be voted on or something. :)

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