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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by TheRealSwaps

  1. Will you be playing deadman mode? Here are some features of Deadman mode for those people who don`t know!

    • PvP is active everywhere. Players need not venture into the Wilderness to attack another player openly.
    • When you die you will lose 50% of your XP.
    • Safe zones will be created in cities and villages. Any player who enters these safe zones when skulled will be attacked by high level guards (and they will kill you).
    • You can protect up to 5 skills at a time so you don’t lose any XP in those skills
    • New City Guard NPCs will attack skulled players on sight. A player loses skulled status upon death.
    • A Bank Key is dropped when a player dies. All players lose all items on death, regardless of whether they are skulled.
    • You will be able to insure your items so they can’t be raided, however if you die when wearing them they will automatically drop on the floor.
    • You will receive 5 times the XP you normally would.
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