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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by TheRealSwaps

  1. Arguably yes. However my method prays more on the greedy, I in fact tell them not to go in the wilderness however they do on their own greed

    Their loss for being greedy


    I do agree how the its totally the other players decision if they get lured or not , but I would never earn money that way tbh. 

    • Like 1
  2. For a blackmarket /runescape rule breaking website?


    Come on now. Unless it's scamming members i assume it's all above board?


    Luring is basically scamming people that are a bit slow in the head.

    • Like 1
  3.  1. Pictures of the account stats


        2. Pictures of the login details


        3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any)

    There will be some quest items and some junk

        4. Pictures of the quests completed

    MTD quests

        7. The methods of payment you are accepting

    07 only

        8. Your trading conditions

    you pay first

        9. Account status


       10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address

    I made the accounts and the emails are not linked


    account 1 has about 12 days membership , account 2 has about 4 

  4. I've bought the Khals motherlode and every time i try to run it, it keeps running left and into a wall. The screen just has a red overlay and saying "Random solver: Resizable mode solver" in the top left. How do i fix this? Have i done something wrong or is it a problem with the client/script?


    Are you running the script in resizeable mode?

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