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  1. Casino

    Maze dont work

    This time i do [iNFO ][07/30/13 04:33:44 AM]: Next door : [x=11319, y=8562, z=0] [iNFO ][07/30/13 04:33:47 AM]: Next door : [x=11319, y=8562, z=0] and repeated this 100000 times
  2. Casino

    Maze dont work

    Maze dont work. Its at the spot where there are usually 3 doors. And the middle one confuses u and u gotta run to the side well it sits there clicking the middle one and fails
  3. I Would Suggest Getting More RAM. Perhaps Realistaclly Running Only a Few Bots. 16GB ram, 4ghz cpu, im pretty sure im fine with 2 bots. 2 bots cannot use 8gb ram and 2 ghz cpu each
  4. Im using this, i noticed tho, 2 bots on 1 client. Lags it alot. But i opened 2 different clients and its fine. Why is this?
  5. running a 4ghz cpu and a 16gb memory. Im fine with that. Only running 2 bots. Issue on client side, FPS is 4-6 When will it get fixed?
  6. ty ill try to get in contact.
  7. This is the only bot ive used where my script lags like crazy. Is this client problem? How do i avoid this? I already got priority set high. And low cpu would make lag increase.
  8. Random doesnt work. Idk what else to say
  9. who do i talk to about this? random dont work.
  10. cmon guys wait till 20, so they feel like they wsted there time
  11. Pretty stupid. This should be removed.
  12. Is this supposed to happen?
  13. Casino

    Client Frozen.

    Client is now frozen.
  14. Client-Login bot doesnt work Script [ERROR][07/26/13 08:34:44 PM]: Failed to start script [AndesFighter 1.6] java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.script.Script.moveMouseOutsideScreen(mn:174) at org.osbot.lpt6.d(ih:6) at org.osbot.lpt8.g(gi:164) at org.osbot.engine.Bot.w(zk:391) at org.osbot.engine.Bot.L(zk:266) at org.osbot.script.engine.ScriptManager.startScript(jn:139) at org.osbot.TA.run(on:497) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
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