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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Paradox68

  1. distPerc = (double)((currentDist / startDistance) * 100); Still doesn't work :c
  2. Fuck logic, amirite? Percentage is not doing what it's supposed to? I'm like 99% sure my calculation is right... T_T maybe i'm missing some super small stupid detail but wut.
  3. I know i'm dumb but I'm still learning. Can you tell me why this won't work? http://pastebin.com/DgwrniXk
  4. Once the webwalk is called, that's all the bot will focus on until the task is complete, but it doesn't handle al-kharid gate and I need a way to interrupt it mid event and interact with the gate: if (!getArea(location).contains(myPlayer())) { getWalking().webWalk(getArea(location).getRandomPosition()); RS2Object gate = getObjects().closest("Gate"); if (gate != null) { if (gate.hasAction("Pay-toll(10gp)")) { gate.interact("Pay-toll(10gp)"); } } } I also tried placing the gate interaction before the walk event but obviously that still doesn't work.
  5. Which type of gold do you want: RS07 How much gold do you want: 6m Do you agree to my Terms of Service: yes Have you added me on Skype: yes thanks!
  6. w.....what Webwalking works decently. Also you can't just put localWalker.walk(AREA, true); if you want to manually add pathing use Divine Utiliy or Explv's Location Assistant to plot a path array. As for the "failsafe" just use while loops if you want to keep it simple.
  7. I work in data centers as a cabling technician. Easy job but I make $20/hr doing it.
  8. what if i like and then don't post?
  9. exhaled through my nose in a quick manner.
  10. Well technically she just made you one. 44 posts to go!!!!!
  12. Post number can be seen when you click reply.
  13. WHOEVER GETS POST NUMBER 1,000,000 WINS! to clarify < This is your post number
  14. How do I make it so an image is kept in the GUI (the .jar) so that other people can load it when they use the script? I thought it was to put it in classpath...? Also it seems to work when I remove the image and change the font of the header.
  15. Nope. By all accounts none of this follows any form of logic.
  16. Dispose is for the button click method. UI class is in the pastebin link in original post. If I remove the GUI the script runs normally so I know the GUI is causing it, but symptom is that the script instantly stops itself when I run it.
  17. I have never had any issues in the past developing with JformDesigner but now whenever I create a GUI with it, the script will not load. @Override public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { UI gui = new UI(); gui.setVisible(true); while (gui.isVisible()) { sleep(100); } getExperienceTracker().start(Skill.FISHING); timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); } and a pastebin for the GUI code: http://pastebin.com/CRgidXqW I had Explv helping me with the same problem on a different script, not even he could figure out why it's doing this. OSBot @Devs pls.
  18. So does the font load locally or is it saved into the jar when you create a script? I want to use a non-system font in my GUI and i'm afraid that when other people use the script, it won't show on their end. Which way does it go?
  19. @FrostBug are.....are you a wizard? p.s. I thought @Explv was a wizard before, but he just got WIZARDED wtfffff
  20. why is bufferedImage better for scripting than just using an Image?
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