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Posts posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. Why can't you learn how to read.


    From what I can gather from this post, you made a topic that wanted krys' post count to be reset. Then when no one else even agreed on your post, you decided to play it off as a joke when there was no joke to be made in the first place.


    tl;dr You are retarded.


    edit: also related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_desirability_bias

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  2. Try exercising with a few goals in mind should keep your mind off sex for a while lol


    I work out a lot.


    Lol. 2 much porn?


    Is 1 hour a day too excessive?


    Get a girl bruh, you just gotta be smooth..

    Hit her with the "Ay babee wanna come to my POH? Fancy stone exterior, 12 rooms all to myself with an indoor boxing ring cause I like to stay fit. My butler will meet you at the door."


    Aint no bitch gonna say no to that, then you just lay some good pipe


    I have a FWB but she's out of town for a couple of weeks. :feels:


    get your dick sucked


    i wish


    Just chop it off




    Try sports


    Never liked sports tbh but I enjoy lifting.

  3. I find it that I need to at least jerk it twice a day to keep myself sane so I'm not sexually frustrated all day long. Any known method to decrease these rampant sex hormones in my body cus pussy and tits are on my mind 24/7 and it's starting to drive me nuts.

  4. To keep a long story short, I split my forehead open as a kid and there are parts where I remember just constantly blacking in and out. At first I remember a kid just looking at me, fade to black and a bunch of people are now around me. Come around again and this time I'm being rushed into the hospital and being asked if I can count to 10. Think I made it to 4 before I blacked out for good.


    Came back after surgery with a numb face and body but made a full recovery and the scar isn't even noticeable anymore.

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