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  1. Sorry, not entirely sure where I even slightly implied there was never bans before? Or are you just trying to pull words out of thin air in what, an attempt to insult me? What does that really accomplish in this situation? I simply stated; I was banned for 5 hours of use while babysitting the damn thing, in previous attempts at botting this was never the case. It is clear they are cracking down on it, and it doesn't matter how you cut it or go about it, that you are at risk. Now we could flip a coin or compare risk vs risk, something like "which cigarettes are better for you" I wasn't saying that oh wow this is some huge new issue people are getting banned. Before it was chance, now it is guaranteed. And yes, yes it will stop people. Banned in 2 days? I know I'm done. What is the point in continuing? So I can get 10 more levels over the next day or two and get banned again? Sorry but when it comes down to being banned every other day, f*@$# yes it stops people. Overall idiotic post, better luck next time. /pats -NoWayLol out *drops mic*
  2. NoWayLol


    I just tried to login and found that I have been banned for 2 days. First time botting on this account, had the account since Old School launch. Downloaded osbot 2 nights ago, and used it for about 5 hours tops over the last 2 days. Was botting Yaks in a dead world while monitoring. I never left the bot unattended for the whole like 5 hours I used it. I don't even remember what script I was using but I was quite picky about which one I wanted to use. I made sure it had good anti-ban features, random movement, pausing and that kind of stuff. The script itself was great and ran flawlessly for me, so it comes down to plain old detection of the bot itself. I for one am done botting, and am kind of glad in a way that they finally have a good detection system. I only ever botted because firstly why not, if you can do it why not. But also to keep up with other people who also botted lol. If it's not an option anymore then that is a good thing in my opinion. Anyway, only posted the report just so people know.
  3. For me this just randomly stops working for minutes at a time. Everything will be fine but then it just stops attacking and stands there for a good while. Status says it's attacking but it's not doing anything at all. No error logs or anything, hopefully this helps in some way.
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