Hello Everyone, I am Mystery301. I thought that I should Simply Introduce myself, I don't really plan to be on the Forums all the much but it is nice to Introduce myself I guess.. IDK Either way I'll see what I type.. But yea. Hey, I'm Mystery301, I like to type, I just think and type and it turns out very weird and hard to read for some people, But I type like really fast so yea, I'm not sure how fast because I can't like copy words from a page or something, I half to be thinking about what I'm typing to actually type it, So I don't even look at the keyboard, I just look off into space randomly and type a hole heap of shit no one will read, So yea... I also Love Anime, http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Goroimikado My anime List, It's very uncomplete as I also work full time, Which is also why I bot ^^ Because I got no time to get the annoying levels I need for the pesky quests! Uhmmm ,My music taste is random.. Depends on how I feel at the time, I am sort of Bi-Polar although I am not Diagnosed with it, my mood just changes randomly a fair bit. But I dislike Screamo. Otherwise.. IDC what you do, who you are, We are all individuals, There is no good or bad, Its just how people see everything in the world is different and my View is do wtf you want, Aslong as you don't annoy me somehow I really couldn't care any less.
Thanks if you did read/understand that, I'll be around asking lots of questions!
Peace, with you it be