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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Seks

  1. you have rushed me before... never have killed me

    Yeah bro i know that, i almost gave up when i began that, since i had too much of a lag, i also have to press fn+f1 on my laptop to get on combat tab, i tried everything to fix that but no hope, seems my laptop is fucked. In f2p i also couldnt delay because of lag, so noobs would think they are pros, when they ko me, but seriously, no wonder that i didnt kill u.

    Same goes for cs 1.6 i rarely have good fps there, but when i do, 1 bull hs's are swarming, and i get banned right away, have been made like 73 Unban topics in that community.

    U can pm me ur nick and we can fight in a non populated world normally if u want.

  2. this didnt turn out as i wanted it to, but it was also naive of me to think that everything would do smooth, i  struggled really hard to get all these clips and the edit done... i have 90% of massive lag everytime, i have lost over 10m due to lag, and that is also reason why i turned my obby pure to gmaul pure, i guess i wont be making any videos for a while now, not with this lag atleast.


    dont forget to watch in HD


  3. I need food, and i want to get a fisher and cooker. 

    id rather do quets and train, i just don't feel like fishing and cooking for an hours just so i can do 1 quest


    but u cant bank on the ultra ironman, or what ironman are u plannin to make.

  4. What.. did u run out with ur stuff or something?


    I mean if u forget ur wallet you can just say 'got no money' and they but the stuff back on the shelves?


    i find it unnecessary to repeat what i just said,but since its so non-understandable for you then ill get into the details.. i went to store without having a clue that my wallet was at home, when i was at cashier, i looked for my wallet and i couldnt find it, i told the cashier, that i had left my wallet in my car, so i went outside to "get my wallet from my car", but i actually just got tha hell out of there, it was a store i didnt really visit anyways, and i didnt really have time to  put the stuff on the shelves, i had to go on a movie which was about to start pretty soon, so i was already in a hurry.

    but it was long time ago and now its pretty much forgotten story lol.

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  5. Not botting but I've auto clicked 40-75 fletching in 2 days without any warning or anything and also 60-69 magic


    autoclicking is the safest way possible to increase ur stats, since u do it on non-bot client, although its good to do if u dont have any bans on ur acc, otherwise ull be risking with a unnecessary ban.

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