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  1. Lol yhose prices are ridiculous, with your stats it can easily be done in 45min-1 hour, should charge like 2m
  2. Alright, I appreciate it, I noticed nobody has posted a screenshot yet, I'll post one for you within the next couple hours if all goes well, thanks. And also I have a suggestion for getting away from pkers that maybe you haven't thought of, perhaps if you are attacked while charging orbs, you can detect if there is a skulled player around you (which there will be), if there is a skulled player then click the ladder and try to log out. He will follow you down the ladder and the bot will detect a skulled player and immediately go back up the ladder before he can attack you and your bot will eventually be able to log out after a few up and downs of the ladder, and it can switch worlds maybe? This would work if you are teleblocked. Though I'm not familar with any bot scripting APIs or how easy it would be to detect a skulled player in your vicinity.
  3. Hey, I'm trying to run air orbs right now and thought of using a bot, I checked this site as I've bought a few scripts from here and saw you have the only one, and it seems to be in testing phase if what I've picked up from the posts in this thread are correct? If you would be so kind to let me try it out I would post a progress pic in a few hours.
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