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Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. The movie itself is really good just the ending is complete shit lol
  2. The money to going to a treatment that injects the polio virus into the cancerous cells.
  3. Thanks for the support so far guys, Im trying to reach out to as many people as possible so please post this on your facebook, twitter, etc.!
  4. This is my Uncle Dean. He was recently diagnosed with GBM. A very rare and malignant form of brain cancer. If anyone can help our family we would appreciate it. Even a dollar helps. Please share this on your facebook page, He is the best guy I have ever known. Please get his word out! https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/ktv2/dean-giardinis-fight-against-gbm-brain-cancer?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=graph&utm_campaign=vanity_page
  5. Disagree osbot charges an arm and leg for scripts those scripts should only have a certain amount of downtime before a refund is issued tbh..like within 3 days
  6. Why OSBOT is Awesome: Hard working staff, not many ignorant trolls. My Favourite Mod/Forum Mod Is: Don't pick favorites. But I think everyone makes good contributions. I Prefer (Rap/Metal/Other): Miley Cyrus.
  7. Look great SUPPORT and add gambling with some sort of eco
  8. Tittle says all skype: Jacob.blind.dog LoL: Blinddognoob
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