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  1. So will the bans be perma?
  2. By the way, I have been offline for 6 months and just started to play and i need my agi up.... Does someone know the answer?
  3. Hellow fellow botters. I started botting osrs in summer of 2013. Eventually, my main which i had been botting on for hunting from 30-95 got banned by: "Bot busting" event. The offence has since been expired in summer of 2014. Haven't been botting on my main since it got first time banned. Does it mean that when the 1 year offence has expired, I wont get perma banned on the account if I get caught? I heard that you will get perma banned when the offence still exists but I dont know will i now when it has expired? I am planning to bot agility on this account for short perioids. Help me please!
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