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Posts posted by DEMONTIME

  1. Try to get to at least a couple hundred $$ offer before bumping price up so high, I get its a private script and has quite a lot of features but it's best to start low and work your way up to the goal price.
    If you want a 'legitimate' vouch PM the devs and ask if they check out + read over the script, this would make selling the script 100x easier as you have staff approval of the method + script.

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  2. ggwp Saiyan you've had a good ride dude & I hope one day to see you be able to become more active again and moderate again, you're truly deserving of the position when you dedicate yourself.
    Good luck with the IRL issues, I went through the same stuff for quite some time then I moved away & started fresh living on my own xD. always here for a chat if you ever need etc. x

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