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Posts posted by DEMONTIME

  1. 2 minutes ago, daamurda said:

    me and a friend put milk cartons in our lockers for like a month then when it was nice and rotten opened and dumped in the staircase was stunk it out no trouble. then got the idea to put it in the spanish teachers heater smell was so awful people couldnt go into the class for the rest of the day 3 day suspension. slapped my friend in the face with hand sanatizer, didnt think it would get in his eyes he freaked out i got in 3 days, went on class trip to a camp for the weekend we took a hose and put it in the girls cabin soaked everything and fucked up and electrical thingy in there 5 day suspension, hit the teacher in the face with chalk 5 day suspension, told teacher to smd 5 day suspension, caught with weed 2 weeks oss, had saturday school detention for the entire year got it in like sept then i got kicked out shortly after

    I could list the 14 Suspensions I got just in Senior high but i don't want to write an encyclopedia on being a fuckface hahaha.

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