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Trade With Caution
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About Elderly

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  1. I can't say that they're stupid, they do not even know what national socialism is about. That is my view on these people. Read my replies (sadly not summed up), I tried to explain the whole situation to Alek a bit, doubt he read it anyway.
  2. It is ignorant to say that the unread 3 pages are full ignorance. I do not know what do you want me to sum up, there were quite a few themes opened so far. Well I don't.
  3. This is like saying you're a sheep, deal with it. Because why would you do anything about it and free yourself, right? I'm not going to let the human specie, including all the races, die off because of some capital interests of the globalist elites. No, thank you.
  4. But you stated that you're an iranian, living in Sweden.. If I was mistaken, I deeply apologize for my own misunderstanding of your situation. I most certainly am not against Iran and I have clearly told you this in the private messages, haven't I? How does that make me a cunt? Besides, I have confessed that several times already.
  5. Of course, due to your lack of argumentation.
  6. You didn't catch the point. I will let this quote speak on my behalf: One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. - Plato My ideology is myself, just as yours is you. You like anime, therefore you have this 'persona', by which I obviously mean the, well, profile. I love my heritage, as well as philosophy and religion, so therefore I will also have such oriented persona. Alek, for example, sure is interested in cars, therefore he has such avatar. I hope you get the point. It's not about changing the people, I can not change the people. People themselves will change. And I am on several political forums, but I do not do anything more than I do here -- nothing, as you said.
  7. I guess that's just your opinion on politics, I am sorry if you're not into them. But to criticize something you have to understand it first and that's what I'm trying to do.
  8. I'd assume this is coming out of self defence, seeing that you have a name Mohammed and you're from the Netherlands. Exactly the same situation as the one I have described above.
  9. I'm not against you because you're from Iran, I'm against you because you're in Europe, just as much as I am against whites that are in the other, non-white parts of the world. You have not yet realized the devastation that will occur sooner or later, due to your cultural Marxist logic and that devastation will be bloody as hell and we can no longer postpone the prevention. The blood moons are coming, as well. And I indeed do have a big problem with it, because I do not want the outbreak of the civil war, which will take place if nothing is done about this situation. I am pro-Iran, by the way, in the political aspects. I did have receive an IP ban, but I have never used my actual IP and never will in the first place. You have to face the facts that just because something offends you or is against your ideology does not mean that it is wrong.
  10. And you didn't post my last private message, Alek.
  11. Snaes: (2014-04-29 12:48:41) Hey, I'd love to clarify some things. I have blocked you from private messaging and therefore did not receive your last private message, but due to gmail, I have and read it. I would just like to, as said, clarify few things. Wotanism is indeed pro-aryan, because it is an aryan religion. The native maori religion is as well pro-maori, because it's their native religion. As well is Judaism, which describes the Jews as the choosen people. I mean, you can go read the Talmud if you want, you might be surprised if you're a gentile. What I'm trying to say is that it is most certainly the 'conservative' religions are pro-their members, that is most certainly. But still pro-something doesn't mean that you have to be against something. Then you mentioned Lane, which I have never actually studied or anything. He is not a founder of anything. Wotanism is far older than Christianity and it is native to the Germanic tribes and can translate to Odinism, since they are literally the exact same religions and I therefore am an Odinist. As for the control, I am sorry, but where lies the mistake? It is in fact a fact that 75% of the whole global media is controlled by the Zionists. You should do your own research before just disagreeing with that. It is not a conspiracy theory, these are facts. Now about the Jews and Lane, I have nothing to do with Lane, nor I want to do anything to the Jews, as you seem to think. The very last part doesn't need a reply either, because I already told you that he is not my religious founder, because wotanism is a native European religion and the only founder are the Aesir and Vanir. Looking for your reply. Snaes: (2014-04-29 12:51:02) I forgot to add, at the media part, you should read the protocols of the learned zion, it is quite well described there. Oh, and it's written by themselves. Snaes: (2014-04-29 13:03:14) You even proceeded and posted a thread on me being a racist even though I have clrealy clarified that I take no part of racism. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/48229-racism-isnt-tolerated-on-these-forums/ That's quite hypocritical of you. And especially the fact that you have to use such was to get rid of the other views in order to establish your own. Your cultural marxism is the evil, not nationalism. Just saying.
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