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  1. they dont have access to my computer. they just knew my email and log-in and did "forgot password" for everysite they can think of. i already sorted it out with zybez, and twitch, and a few other sites but OSBot isnt responding
  2. i'm having problems with 2 accounts. The first account (my original) Xaghant had its password changed and i no longer have access to the email. is it impossible to recover it? because i dont think the hacker changed the password he just "reset it". secondly, i made another account after that called xaghant3 and it soon had a problem where i cant load any of the OSBOT site/forum and gives me an "insufficient permission" error. now i had to make this account to report my issues since my email i sent to admins haven't been responded to in over 5 days.
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