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1/80/1 Obby Ranger. Mith Gloves, 64 Range, 50 Mage.


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items: https://gyazo.com/a2ea7328f36ad0a377ac0b05cd97a274

 - Book of Balance

 - Holy Book

 - Varrok Armour 1

 - Mith Gloves

 - Bearhead

 - Lootingbag


stats: https://gyazo.com/1d9bc6402164ae639467d7d7f6c8d37c


quests: https://gyazo.com/9cc5c1dd4f4aa2649e963c63602cc62e


cmb: https://gyazo.com/dd815a5dc3eb1d7ce0b794419c86e373


WARNING! Unfortunetely, this account has been bot busted at one point. However, the account is pretty much complete and ready to pk.

Proof: https://gyazo.com/0daff57a152105760f468f59879c1d2b


Wondering how much GP I can get for this bad boy. Let me know! Thanks!

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