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I log this;


it returns entity name for example; Oak (nothing else)


then when i use;


for filter, it doesn't recognize it even though in logger it returns Oak and there shouldn't be anything else,

Any ideas ?

Edited by iJodix
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oh right, it'll return <col=ffff>Oak but that is why i included .trim(); at entity.getName() so it removes that bs

trim doesn't remove "that bs", trim removes spaces


To remove "that bs" you probably gonna have to use a substring

//X = length of <col=fff>
String name = menu.name.substring(X, menu.name.length);
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(...
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MethodProvider#stripFormatting removes HTML tags smile.png

Thanks, did

        Optional<Option> ourOptionFilters = getMenuAPI().getMenu().stream().filter(menuOption -> stripFormatting(action).equalsIgnoreCase(stripFormatting(menuOption.action)) && stripFormatting(entity.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(stripFormatting(menuOption.name))).findFirst();
and works perfectly :)
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