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Disputed MemberAnthony Ltd
Why it should be removed: I did not scam him.


Well this guy posted a request in the request section:




I offered to do this.


I contacted him via skype and we both agreed that I would be the one to do it. I also made him post on my thread about the order:




I offered to go first because I only had 2 feedback and he had 65. (My service's title also says willing to go first)


I made him read my t.o.s and he agreed to it.


after awhile of talking he gave me his account's information so i could begin the service


I told him I would begin shortly.


About an hour later, I attempted to log in to the account to begin the service.


He didn't give me the correct information and I couldn't log into the account.


When I asked him about it, he defriended me on skype so i began to call him out for being a troll and wasting my time.


About two hours later, I logged into osbot to see that he had left me a negative feedback that states "Scamm me took my bank and lvl my def"


I have never logged into his account at any time during this.


This guy is either trolling or he's been hacked by someone else




I will provide our skype conversation in pictures here:




Link to topic:  His request:  http://osbot.org/forum/topic/86563-need-some-quests-done/

                      His order posted on my service:  http://osbot.org/forum/topic/86641-extremely-cheap-osrs-questing-willing-to-go-first/



Please remove the negative feedback, as I do not deserve it.


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